
Monday, January 31, 2011

Natural Hair!

So my natural hair is back! In October 2009, I had relaxed my hair and during that time I learnt a lot about my hair. The one major thing I learnt is that you don’t really need to relax your hair every 6 weeks or as often as “they” tell you to. I had not relaxed my hair in a year and two months and everyone was ‘none the wiser.’ With a flat iron to straighten out the new growth, I was contented.

When I had relaxed my hair (after being natural for 2 years) someone asked me if I missed my natural hair. And my answer was no. To me, hair is hair…and the best time to play/experiment with it is when you are young and actually have hair to play with! Because there will come a time when your hair may thin out or start to disappear. So why not try new things with your hair? Cut it, it will just grow back…Relax it, you can always cut it…Dye it, your natural color will eventually grow out…it’s just hair!

I was neither here nor there when it came to my hair. You see, unlike some, I have not joined the ‘natural hair cult.’ I defined that as those who are hard core about being natural…It almost comes across as a religion of some sort…They frown on those with relaxers, and almost want to beat you up if you go from natural to relaxer (as I did in October 2009). The natural hair cult members would never put another relaxer in their hair, because that is the “creamy crack” as they call it. They “embrace” their “natural” beauty to the n’th degree!

I however wear my natural hair almost like another style. When you see me and it’s natural, it’s not because I all of a sudden hate chemicals and take a vow never to “go back.” It’s simply because I am ready for a change, a new look…Bored with one look and ready to try another. I consider myself equally as beautiful with or without the chemical.

The one thing I don’t understand about people who are members of the natural hair cult is that there are some who never actually wear their hair in its natural form…They have weave, braids, wigs, dye or even flat ironed hair. They embrace so many looks that are NOT natural, yet call themselves hard core members of the natural club. Strange… How is that any different to someone who does the exact same thing but with relaxed hair?? Are they anymore “naturally” beautiful that they other sister who is not “naturally” beautiful. I am confused.

One thing I would say is that I think everyone should experience their hair in its natural from. I have learnt that each time I go natural (I have done it about 5 times now – go between relaxed hair and natural hair) is that I have often limited my hair by my limited knowledge of my hair. For instance, when I went natural in 2007, I wore my hair curly…But that was the first time I ever did that! I didn’t even realize my hair was curly! As a matter of fact, I have a picture with my hair in jerry curls and its looks almost the same with my hair when wet! I always thought I had to twist my hair, or braid it up…I never wore it out…Having natural sisters around has really shown me the different ways to embrace hair. I appreciate that. This time around I am going to experiment with some natural hair products to see how that affects my hair…along with some different hair styles that I have not tried before. I am excited about that!!

So, when you see me with my natural hair ‘whipping it back and forth’ just know that I am not a member of the natural hair cult…And therefore don’t be surprised if I chose to get a relaxer in the near future!


  1. Kaara,
    I understand what you mean about not having to relax every 6 weeks.......i try to wait 2 months at least but you have a softer natural hair texture and can therefore "stretch" your relaxer for longer periods in between......psssssh if I try to flat iron my new growth it will not look the same as if I relaxed it. I like that you don't feel committed to all natural or all chemical means. I myself like to go in between braids, weave, my own relaxed hair. I will not grow out my natural hair again.. very difficult to manage on a day to day...

  2. Thanks for your comment Chantal! Girl, let dem dominicans do it for me, it works. If someone with thick, coarse hair can blow out their hair and flat iron it, and it look relaxed, then you can more than do the same with you hair while relaxed. I have seen others with your hair type be able to do that. I have learnt that just because I cyar do it, doh mean somebody else cant do it for me! Even when I was younger my hair was troublesome to may look soft but its hard to manange...I never knew about flat ironing then...Every step I take, teaches me something new. So, not that I am trying to convince you to go natural, but there are several products that I have seen folks use that has helped to curl their hair and make it more manageable etc. From kinky curly, to Miss Jesse's etc. Perhaps if you tried some of these you would see your hair in a new light. That's my goal this go around!

  3. I also wear my hair natural at the moment, and it's not set in stone for me either. I might relax my hair again at some time in the future, but I don't see the need for it now.

    If I want to wear my hair straight, I use a flat iron, if I want to wear it curly, I wash it and use water based hair moisturisers.

    Wearing my hair naturally for at least the last 2 years, I've also discovered a lot about my hair and how it reacts to the products I use on it. I am very conscious now of what ingredients are in the products I use.

    I do not purchase products with silicone or parabens anymore, and find that my hair has been responding well to the more natural products like almond oil and oilive oil. I've been seeing less split ends and faster growth.

    Nice to read your journey KK keep us posted.

  4. Kamilah!!! Thanks for stopping by and commenting girl! OK, so you made some interesting points about how your hair does better with natural products. Hmmmm, I will have to pay attention to that this go around. You use olive oil as in the olive oil in the grocery store? And what water based moisturizers do you use?

  5. I too am not apart of the natural cult, but I had to continue the natural journey because I noticed that my hair effected my self-esteem. I felt more confident and sexy with relaxed hair. But now as I complete this journey, I have become more confident and felt sexy again!!! lol But I do only use natural products, which now you can find in Target. I also just use Aloe Vera Gel.

  6. That's really kool Renee that you can embrace your sexiness with your natural self! I know what you mean. I have never consistently had a relaxier...I have always been back and forth every 2-3 years. But even when my hair was natural I never embraced it until maybe 2007...And even then it was a struggle...This time around, I am TOTALLY loving my hair...and Loving it in a way that I have not loved it before. I am more confident and bold...And I think it all points back to what we were taught about "good hair." Even though people ALWAYS told me I had the "good hair" I never accepted it because I saw my hair as think, hard to comb, hard to manage, troublesome, etc. I got one of those natural products from Target..and I am trying the kinky curly as well. Kristal also showed me a really nice mix that she has posted on her utube channel. That was the best by far!!! It felt sooooooo soft and moist throughout the day...I never felt my hair feel that way before.
